A friend once said to me, “You’re always fighting the power!”. Although he really approved of what I was doing… that was never the intention of my actions. I continue to do what I do for equality, I strongly believe no Human should have power over another as  we exist to coincide with each other.

But sometime’s people do gain power over other’s, either through financial leverage, emotional leverage or just general blackmail. We all know that’s the way the world works and we can only be responsible for our own actions. Sometimes when people get this sort of leverage over you, it can lead to depression and anxiety which never helps your circumstances.

Bailiffs tend appear as the bigger bullies in this scenario and unless you know how to properly defend yourself against them, it can lead to all of your possessions being lifted from your grasp. I’ve come up with this website to help people specifically in the united kingdom, do what they can about bailiffs and legal proceedings because let’s face it, unless you’re actually a bailiff or work in law, you generally have no clue about your own right’s and power.

Have a little read over my ‘Fight Back!!’ page and it will detail the first tip I can provide for people in a tough situation involving bailiffs and other legal departments. You should never abuse this power (The boy who cried Wolf springs to mind) but this power is available for your own convenience.

I genuinely  hope it’s a start towards helping people and over the next couple of weeks I will continue to provide different methods for your own self-defense against all of the unknown legal jargon and bullies that exist in this country.

Many thanks,
